

Greedy Non-deterministic (GND).

This algorithm searches for test cases. It will generate tuples of any order. It generates a different set every time it is invoked.


  • rng::Random.AbstractRNG: This option is a random number generator. Set this if you want to generate the same test cases twice in a row.
  • M::Int: The number of times it should create a candidate test case each time it creates a candidate. The default is 50. Raising this number could improve test cases and slow generation.


This algorithm starts with the seeded test cases and then adds test cases, one at a time. It chooses those parameters that are least used, so far, and then chooses values of those parameters that are least covered by previous tuples. At each step, there is some probability of choosing among nearly-equal next values.

It's not complicated, but it can be slow because every next choice checks against all possible tuples. For large numbers of parameters or large numbers of possible values of each parameter, this generator can be slow, so test it for fewer values first and gradually increase the number of parameters or parameter values.


In-parameter-order General (IPOG).

This algorithm generates test cases quickly. It will generate tuples of any order. It always generates the same set of test cases for the same set of input values.

Lei, Yu, Raghu Kacker, D. Richard Kuhn, Vadim Okun, and James Lawrence. 2008. “IPOG/IPOG-D: Efficient Test Generation for Multi-Way Combinatorial Testing.” Software Testing, Verification & Reliability 18 (3): 125–48.

all_pairs(parameters...; kwargs...)

Ensure that the returned test cases include every pair of parameters at least once.


all_pairs([1, 2, 3], ["a", "b", "c"], [true, false])

See also: all_tuples

all_tuples(parameters...; n_way, engine, disallow, seeds, wayness, Counter)

Given a tuple of parameters, generate all test cases that cover all n_way combinations of those parameters.


  • engine=IPOG(): The engine is IPOG(), GND() or Excursion().
  • disallow=nothing: The disallow function is a function of the parameters that returns true when that combination should be forbidden.
  • seeds=[]: is a list of test cases that must be included among those


  • wayness is a dictionary that specifies subsets of parameters for which to increase the n_way combinations. For instance, if the combinations are two-way, and you want the third-sixth parameters to be three-way covered, use, wayness = Dict(3 => [[3, 4, 5, 6]]).
  • Counter=IntThe Counter is an integer type to use for

the computation. It must be large enough to hold the integer number of the parameters.


all_tuples([1, 2, 3], ["a", "b", "c"], [true, false]; n_way = 2)
parameters = fill(collect(1:3), 10)
all_tuples(parameters...; n_way = 4, engine = Excursion())
full_factorial(parameters...; disallow = filter_function)

Generates a test case for every combination of the parameters.


full_factorial([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ["low", "high"], [false, true])

If you specify a filter function, it will remove combinations that are disallowed.

pairs_excursion(parameters...; kwargs...)

This starts with the first choice for each of the parameters. It creates test cases by varying each parameter, one at a time, through its possible values. Then it walks pairs of parameters away from the base case.


pairs_excursion([:a, :b], [1, 2], [1, 2], ["a", "b"])

See also: all_tuples

pairs_excursion(parameters...; kwargs...)

This starts with the first choice for each of the parameters. It creates test cases by varying each parameter, one at a time, through its possible values. Then it walks pairs of parameters away from the base case, and finally triples.

See also: all_tuples

values_excursion(parameters...; kwargs...)

This starts with the first choice for each of the parameters. It creates test cases by varying each parameter, one at a time, through its possible values.


values_excursion([:a, :b, :c], [1, 2, 3])

See also: all_tuples
